Once, the collective representation of acceptable group conduct, now the nullification of group conduct.
In spring of 2020, people the world over were forbidden to gather, instructed to stay away from each other at specified minimum distances. The new social norm during the age of coronavirus was that there was no social norm.
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The ratio of Republicans to Democrats in each house who have tested positive for coronavirus as of 12/17/2020.
26 Republicans vs 11 Democratic House members, 9 Republican vs 2 Democratic Senators have tested positive for coronavirus. Who can guess which party denied the danger of the virus, denied the reality of the pandemic, denied the importance of masks and social distancing? ... 26/11 and 9/2 ... Anyone?
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The lyrics to his song "Her Town Too" have taken on a new edge in the age of coronavirus:
"She's been afraid to go out
She's afraid of the knock on her door"
Lying in bed, fearful of leaving her apartment, waiting for a stranger to deliver her dinner, the song came up.
'It's the James Taylor Prophecy', she thought, 'I'm afraid to go out, I'm afraid of the knock on my door, always a shade of a doubt, I can never be sure, who comes to call. Maybe the friend of a friend of a friend. Anyone at all. Anything but nothing again.'
In "Cinderella", a ridiculous mis-translation from the French. The original story, handed down orally, centered around "Vair" slippers, vair being squirrel fur. But "vair" sounds like "verre", the French word for glass, and so it continued. Fur slippers make perfect sense. But glass??
Cinderella felt sorry for the handsome prince, kneeling before her. She wondered what kind of idiot expected her to take two steps in glass slippers, when the beloved pair she had lost were made of fur. "I mean, glass shoes? Really?"
An unintentional distortion of the phrase "spreading like wildfire", which, oddly, is both poetically evocative and accurate in its imagery.
Anne would often say, of a rumor, a fashion or a craze, "it's spreading like wildflower", and he was too impressed by its inner truth and charm to ever correct her.
A dominant movie genre, when movies get made again, looking back at the meltdown of human life on earth in 2020.
"It's classic Sci-Psy. Totally. One guy, he's a shrink. With a gun. Alone in New York! Humans are afraid to breathe, afraid of each other, dying by the millions! A fucking game show host is stoking race war, there's nobody in charge, everyone is going insane and pretending to be ok! The one lone guy has two days to save the planet. It's called "How Does That Make You Feel?"
Imagining the empty stadium, the canceled opening game, he heard the Scar Spangled Banner, sung in a silent voice.
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