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comforting fiction

An untruth we tell ourselves, or tell others, to keep from having to face facts, and to ease us through hard times.

Just wash your hands and you'll be fine, warm weather will make it disappear, only old people can die from it... one comforting fiction after another could not disguise the truth that we were all in for a long, painful journey.

by Monkey's Dad April 15, 2020


1) Any person whose contributions to Urban Dictionary arise in response to events of the moment.
2) Any person driven to create original words on a daily basis, as a side-effect of being alive in the world.

With 300 entries provided to Urban Dictionary in a period of a few months, the author known as Monkey's Dad might be seen as a modern reflexicographer. Several of his original words have entered the language within days of their creation.

by Monkey's Dad May 18, 2020


Someone with an irrational fear of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"If I die, I die", she said. "I'm not letting anyone convince me to get that shot". And no one convinced her, and she went maskless to her early grave, a proud vaxxophobe, and an example of how America had been made "great again".

by Monkey's Dad July 26, 2021

Coronal Retentive

Excessively orderly and fussy, paying too much attention to detail, as the result of being locked in during the coronaviral era.

She had always been relaxed and carefree. But with nowhere to go and no one to see, she reorganized every item in the bathroom cabinet by size, color and alphabetical order, and worried she was becoming coronal retentive.

by Monkey's Dad March 31, 2020


1) An affectionate name for any dog of indeterminate breed, aspiring to designer status.

2) An unlikely mix of a poodle and, say, a Havanese, which, even though the resulting scruffy creature may possess two heads and eight legs, will still be right at home in the most upscale dog park.

"And, uh... what's yours?" "Oh, she's a Monkadoodle."

by Monkey's Dad September 16, 2019

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Someone advocating the abolition of abortion, campaigning to overturn Roe v. Wade.

He was certain of two things: That every American had the right to carry an assault rifle - to school, to Walmart, to church - and that killing was a sin and women had no right to abortion, no matter the circumstance of the pregnancy. He was a righteous abortlitionist.

by Monkey's Dad December 15, 2021


To buy the rights, or otherwise pay, to prevent a news story from being published. The title of Ronan Farrow's new book on the subject.

American Media Inc., allegedly engaged in catch-and-kill to control negative stories about Donald Trump's involvement with porn star Stormy Daniels. Similarly, Republican members of The Bohemian Grove paid to prevent release of the 1981 film "Star Spangled Boner" starring John Holmes as Ronald Reagan.

by Monkey's Dad March 30, 2020

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