The care we take with how we look, when there is no one to see us.
Saturday night in a city under lockdown, another date with her laptop. She brushed her hair and put on makeup, knowing that for the foreseeable future, she would be the only one to take pleasure in her personal disappearance.
Effectively, the woman any man happens to be with, under lockdown, for the duration of the coronaviral era.
"You have complaints? Please, feel free to find someone else, because right now I may as well be the last woman on earth."
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A polite suggestion that someone has admirable faith while being out of touch with reality.
"Brilliant idea, truly, but you're teaching your dog to drive."
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A Covid-denier's first response to hearing that a person has died from Covid-19. Because they absolutely know that the disease is nothing more than a politicized hoax.
"My friend died from Covid."
"She must have had underlying condition."
A pre-existing medical issue that can increase a person's vulnerability to contracting coronavirus and/or dying from it.
Anything which renders someone less than optimally healthy, compromising their immunity.
Being human.
Just being alive felt like an underlying condition. Her asthma was an additional factor, she supposed, but each day she was getting news of yet another person coming down with corona. They were old, middle-aged, young, healthy or not.
A Covid-denier's first response to hearing that a person has died from Covid-19. Because they absolutely know that the disease is nothing more than a politicized hoax.
"My friend died from Covid."
"Did she have an underlying condition?"
Very 2020, it's a look.
Jessica was happy with her homemade haircut. Even if it looked a bit ... ummm ... uneven, it had been given with love.