A film which masquerades as a documentary but is actually propaganda, repeating its sole point until it has been drilled into your brain.
Having sat through the six-hour documantra, he now believed that the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was indeed an emissary of God, who needed his 91 Rolls-Royces, diamond-encrusted Rolexes and a retinue of young women to sleep with every night.
An almost unrecognizable city, silent and still, filled with people yet seemingly abandoned.
From her balcony she looked down at the bizarrely empty streets of the New New York.
Someone who aspires to share dinner in a restaurant with another person, before the year is out.
He accepted that he was a 2020 Social Climber, longing to be invited to any party, where he would weave fanciful stories of having been anywhere, and rubbed elbows with anyone.
A vanity license plate, issued in Maine.
She stared numbly through the rain coursing down her windshield, wondering if she were dreaming. There it really was, on the car in front of her, the truth of her life this year, the truth of everyone's life. 2020WTF.
A vanity license plate, spotted in Maine.
She stared numbly through the rain hitting her windshield, wondering if she were dreaming. There it really was, on the car in front of her, the truth of her life this year, the truth of everyone's life. 2020WTF.
The generation coming into their 20s in the coronaviral age. Leaving college with a stay-at-home diploma, the prospects for career and family will be different from those faced by any generation in memory.
"As one of the Quarantennials, my education promises almost nothing. There will be no work for me, or anyone, in my chosen field, no promise of income, no practical dreams of home and family. It's true for almost everyone I know."
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Evil flourishes when good people say nothing.
Speak out and stand up for what you believe, because our silence enables violence.
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