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To increase resilience and enhance immunity.

After her double nursing shift, she was exhausted, anxious and hungry, all making her vulnerable. She hoped that a good dinner and a night's sleep would help her resilify, as she was going to need her strength tomorrow.

by Monkey's Dad March 18, 2020

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A talent for articulating every kind of new age nonsense .

She held forth on her horoscope, crystals, the definite possibility that unicorns actually exist, with mesmerizing airy-fairyudition,

by Monkey's Dad February 16, 2020

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Falling asleep whilst playing the guitar, a nocturne in the key of Z.

Happens every time. He starts to practice and is soon having a rest, a clear case of guitnarcolepsy.

by Monkey's Dad January 19, 2023


A feminine refinement of BFF, meaning GirlFriends Forever.

"Lauren and me have known each other since we were, like, little, and we are, like, GFF."

by Monkey's Dad August 22, 2021

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not a scientist

Amy Coney Barrett's self-characterization when asked her views on climate change, which she describes as 'controversial' when it is a settled matter globally among those who are indeed scientists.

"Do you believe that climate change is happening and threatening the air we breathe and the water we drink?" Kamala Harris asked.
"I will not express a view on a matter of public policy... that is politically controversial" Judge Barrett answered. "I am not a scientist."

by Monkey's Dad October 16, 2020

Please! Thank you!

The words spoken by George Floyd to Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers as Floyd was being arrested and killed on May 25, 2020.

"Please! Thank you!" said Floyd, as one of the officers offered to get into the back seat of the squad car with him, after Floyd expressed his extreme claustrophobia. "Please!" said Floyd, as Chauvin knelt on his neck, suffocating the life from him, "Please! I can't breathe!"

by Monkey's Dad April 20, 2021

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A whole damn buncha fancy stuff y'all kin lookit ta show ya got booklernin', 'fore ya git ta votin' twahce, lahk the great man tol' ya to.

The president himself had said it, 'vote twice'. Not sure what that meant exactly, or how to go about it, Verlene decided to look it up on Hickipedia.

by Monkey's Dad September 5, 2020