Source Code


A vanity license plate, spotted in Maine.

She stared numbly through the rain hitting her windshield, wondering if she were dreaming. There it really was, on the car in front of her, the truth of her life this year, the truth of everyone's life. 2020WTF.

by Monkey's Dad December 5, 2020


The generation coming into their 20s in the coronaviral age. Leaving college with a stay-at-home diploma, the prospects for career and family will be different from those faced by any generation in memory.

"As one of the Quarantennials, my education promises almost nothing. There will be no work for me, or anyone, in my chosen field, no promise of income, no practical dreams of home and family. It's true for almost everyone I know."

by Monkey's Dad April 1, 2020

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silence enables violence

Evil flourishes when good people say nothing.

Speak out and stand up for what you believe, because our silence enables violence.

by Monkey's Dad June 5, 2020

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Call me Phishmail

The opening line of a disarmingly transparent effort to get your SSN, passwords and credit card number.

Never read Moby Dick? Then call me Phishmail. Impress your friends 'cause absolutely free I'll give you my lightning tutorial on Melville's massive classic. Just click here.

by Monkey's Dad January 19, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I can't breathe

True of COVID-19 sufferers and of George Floyd. The key phrase at this moment in American history.

"I can't breathe, said Floyd as he was being suffocated. "I can't breathe" thought more than 100,000 victims as they were dying of Covid. "I can't breathe" chanted countless Americans in the streets, protesting enduring police brutality.

by Monkey's Dad June 1, 2020

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No signs of disease. Possibly infectious. Ready to party!

They were young, ayyysymptomatic, and heading for the beach.

by Monkey's Dad May 5, 2020

social duhstancing

Pandemic precautions so obvious that they should not have to be explained.

Don't stand in the midst of a crowded bar, don't hug and kiss strangers, don't take selfies with friends... because it could kill you. Yes, really. Lots of people already know this. It's called social duhstancing.

by Monkey's Dad June 18, 2020