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agree to disagree

agree to disagree may be the best idiom to utter (when perhaps underneath that idiom may be several others that could somehow result in a lot of time in jail...or at best a simple painless execution. duh).

Anyone getting the heebee-jeebs yet?

Uh huh. Call me. Now here comes the 'lol' or a warm and fuzzy feeling all over. Get yer motors running...head out on das 'muhing' highway.

Hey, whadda yah say we dun jus agree to disagree. (Silent or audible burp pending--perhaps worse as in the definition above.)

by MonkeySees July 29, 2022


My husband.

My husband is a craphole.

by MonkeySees July 30, 2022


a noun to describe a man who...if a woman--would be so stupid he (hee-hee-hee) would forget to ask to be paid.

(The end: Finis (My next book...as I have many yet to be written and, until I am rescued from Hell (A RATHER WARM PLACE) do not be fooled by those fine attempts for what would result in a very, vary bad and boring eternity being quickly composed and published by 'demme othah geuys'. They do not have an end game.

Look all you 'bitches'--I doesn't really give a mu-fing how many degrees you may have quacking around your freaking heads cuz you be the bitches now and you be some really bad bitches!

by MonkeySees July 29, 2022


What occurs when large mammals roll around in the muck pile that was their brain.

After reading the definition of 'witches tit', I chose not to wallow in the septic area of the mindless.

by MonkeySees October 6, 2022


A three letter word used to describe a domesticated animal or pet, that will bite your face off and never ever obey you. Almost everyone is allergic to them. BUT most people like them so they deal with it. "Cat" also describes other types...i.e., large, wild animals. Although more of an archaic reference now because it must have offended so many people that after all of the people that actually loved bigger cats used the word, they had to be bludgeoned to death lest word got out. So better be referring to a smaller cat, if you know what's good for you--mostly domestic. The larger 'cats' may be extinct or near to it or in captivity somewhere eating cornflakes and cabbage while being hideously being taught gender confusion. And farting a lot.

Well, phew. Most often four legged if those SOB neighbor kids haven't blown its leg(s) off or just kicked it so hard, it dies a few days later. Oh I digress. Cats are smart, determined in nature and more often than not quite 'bossy'. Can be extremely lovable if not tortured and willing to change. Although they most likely won't. heh

My cat has no fleas. Unless it has been in someone else's stinking, nasty yard or is trying to tell me he/she is being poisoned by yeah...

the NEIGHBORS. but not deliberately this time. No, this time the poison is just being sprayed all over and, naturally, one more time, "the neighbor's lawns". Or is it your own lawn. Who ever said, "what you don't know won't hurt you" was lying, negligent, complicit or all three. Low ball. Ouch.

by MonkeySees July 25, 2022


realization: The name of a new board game. Do not worry. "They" will totally screw up that game, too. Not to be confused with an "aha! moment...otherwise known as a heuristic moment. Booyahh.

Hey! Busters! Have you heard of the new game called Realization? Yah, lol, "me neither".

by MonkeySees July 30, 2022


Today the term understaffed goes ungracefully like a punch in the gut, with "T H E C O V I D" --attempting to play among or prey upon society for an eternity or as soon as y'all flip the switch, channel or station to something else which is likely to miss the mark as well--as an excuse for nonperformance. However, in days of better health or saner health, which in truth were not many and did not last long, it would mean 'everyone is on vacation' or frankly, "they just won't work" and that would be presented in various degrees of panic, sadness and sometimes despair as an attempt to apologize for a lack of service or what may seem more like fraud or default for not following through with what was offered, promised, sold, bought, etcetera.

The term understaffed is quickly becoming antiquated along with other socially accepted niceties, etiquette or protocol and now more than not people do or say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING figuring that most people will get tired of waiting, let it go and regain their composure enough to carry on. However, only remotely amusing only if this is a live interpersonal interaction and one gets to critically assess or admire random tattoos, body piercings, hair or lack of same and other charming, yet oddly impressive hoo-doo voo-do accessories long enough to consider aspects of their momentary significance or importance.

You haven't received your product because we are understaffed. We aren't really sorry, however...things are tough all over.

by MonkeySees July 28, 2022