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A vindictive narcissistic woman, usually blonde, that lives life sabotaging others reputation either through lies or by making a scene. Is usually in her 30’s to 40’s might be older and has either never been married, married and making their spouse miserable or divorced. This type of woman secretly hates others (usually women) that are more competent and kinder than them and are prone to gossip, insults and covert aggression. Usually has no real friends because she loses them or thinks others are inconvenient. They tend to be fake nice, but when the mask slips you’d see the hidden aggression through her glaring, sarcastic tone, and passive aggression. Some go as far as hiding it when in public.

Ambers usually say that they are “drama-free” but are absolute Drama Queens and overreact to comments that have nothing to do with them. They love to gossip by twisting the story to fit their narrative. An Amber is very ingenuine and are uncomfortable to be around. They lie about others for personal gain such as money, attention, or abusive control. Some go as far as cheating to get some kind of revenge. Some Ambers might be more outgoing than others but it’s just a method used to easily talk behind your back and have everyone take her side as a form of mobbing. Ambers are usually in positions of power and that’s exactly how they get everyone to believe them. They do vary in intensity and are tricky to spot, but with a trained eye you will be able to find out after a few interactions.

Person 1: Hey, why don’t we just use Google Calendar instead?
Amber: *sarcastic tone* You can use it if it’s thaat big of a problem. *glares* *walks to someone else* ..she just asked me “why don’t we use Google Calendar instead?” and I said: “she can use it if she cares thattt much.” *stays in contempt*
Person 1: *in deep thought and perplexed* wow.. what an Amber.

by MoonBarbie June 25, 2022

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