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Dirty Dowsing Rod

A sexual act in which a man exposes his boner in a public outdoor area, wandering aimlessly while pointing it towards the ground. When he randomly chooses to stop, he immediately proceeds to rub one out on the ground beneath him. If asked what he is doing, he explains he is dowsing for a well.

1.) Jenny saw someone performing a dirty dowsing rod in Central Park this morning as she was going for a jog.
2.) Larry was arrested at 3pm today for performing a dirty dowsing rod.

by Moonshine Billy February 25, 2015


Many give the term "shallow" too narrow a meaning by stating it only refers to those who judge others purely on looks. Here is a list of characteristics that actually define a person as shallow:
1. Their thoughts are mainly concerned with unimportant things, such as the way they look or how others are judging them
2. They are unable to connect with others on deep emotional levels
3. They make judgements based on trivial, surface-level information

4. They are overly concerned with material things

Joe is a very shallow guy. During his day at school he decided that Kevin was weird because his hair is really long. Later that day, Joe told Mark he ought to display the brand he is wearing. He also decided Mark was cooler than Kevin because Mark has a Mustang and plays football.

by Moonshine Billy February 25, 2015

548👍 53👎

Charcoal Monkey

a woman who has eaten too much and can no longer walk. Instead, they are stuck living in bed, awaiting death by various mishaps like liver failure and sweet cakes.

"did you see that woman?"
"yeah dude shes a charcoal monkey."

by Moonshine Billy September 19, 2011

3👍 5👎

Selfish Politics

When someone advocates a piece of legislation purely because it benefits their own personal situation. Those who take part in this often do so without looking at the big picture, that is, seeing how the legislation would affect everyone as apposed to just themselves.

Guy 1"Man I love Obamacare! I can't afford health care and now I get it for free? what a great deal I'm in!" (selfish politics)

Guy 2 "But the government would have to impose a tax for that service thus causing people who can afford health care like me to pay for people like yours who couldn't before! Not to mention that tax would not come up with enough revenue for the government to be able to spend on everyone's health care and the country would go broke! To avoid this the government would have to specifically choose who to give the limited health care to? So you probably won't get any. What then?"

Guy 1 " who cares? I still get free health care!"

by Moonshine Billy April 14, 2012

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