The finest religion, requirement to convert are:
1. Having a dog
2. Eaten a leaf
3. be genius
4. Support a football team
5. Being a fan of Sylvain Durif
6. Having an exclusive interview with the big boss (El Marciano)
I'm trying to buy a dog to become Marconian
Marcianoism: Be allowed to be one By lord Marciano
Different terms used to describe a Bear. He tends to like cats and play Mario. He's also known as el raton which he earned through his physical appearance. Orso loves many things ; Bricks, penne, pizza, blue, Netflix originals, Basketball. Orso's facial features : Cute round black nose, he's the blue version of whine the poo.
Orso is a bear. It's him, It's really him. Orso has arrived. He's angry however we must find a way through his delusion and anger. He does look like a little panda but don't ever underestimate him. He's as strong as a bear. Orso's coming for you, you just don't ever know when.
The biggest cunt on the planet, he's a dumb teacher and watches porn in class. He's gay and stares at the ass of 11 year old girls
Omg it's a mordacque, what a pervert