Mormon, or LDS are not, as others have said, a cult or brainwashed. Being myself a Mormon I know this, unlike other so-called Mormons who obviously don't know what they're talking about! Okay let's start easy.
Firstly, we don't do polygamy. Yes, it was practiced in the olden days but then a prophet was told that we should not and so we don't practice polygamy anymore. There is another branch of Mormons that still do practice polygamy, but they're not associated with the church.
Okay, a prophet is kind of like a pastor. He's the leader of the church and he receives revelation from God. That doesn't mean others can't receive it, but that will be personal to the person.
No, we're not brainwashed. Those who are of the church fully believe in it, just like people of other faiths believe. We do have missionaries who go and preach the gospel. The boys can go when they're 18 and, though strongly encouraged, do not HAVE to go. Also, I've heard people say that they have to pay for it themselves. This is true, but if you can't come up with all the money, the church will make up the rest. Girls can go when they're 19.
Another thing that really peeves me: homosexuality. Okay, Mormons. Do. Not. Hate. Gays. We love them just like anybody else. We simply believe that marriage was made to be between a man and a woman and, while not condoning it, we don't hate gays/lesbians.
I hope this has helped with your knowledge of Mormons. More to follow.
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