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Projectionism projecting is when someone puts their own issues on someone else, i.e. it is when a person attributes his/her own thoughts/feelings/behaviors to/on to another person, and a/or a group of ppl, and an/or an organization.

This is an ad hominem attack on a persons character; it is a tactic used in, typically, internet argument conversations by trolls who have no real criticisms to make. Used most often at a certain point in the conversation when they know that they have lost the argument, & perhaps they started without a real argument in the first place, the troll uses projectionism to defend themselves.

1. If I have a brother who is an addict and has borrowed a lot of money from me without paying me back and I have a friend who says her brother just asked her to borrow $20; I might respond saying, "Don't do it. He's not trustworthy and you can just kiss that money goodbye!" I might not know a thing about her or her brother but I'm PROJECTING my own experience onto the situation. It's my stuff I'm talking about instead of the real issue at hand.

2. Projectionism is particularly common among racists & other bigots. They will commonly make bigoted comments & then deny that they are bigots; and further defend themselves by accusing the person that normally initially accuses them first of being the very thing that they more often than not end up accusing the other person of being.

Tho, it is possible, & certainly not unheard of, for a troll to use projectionism against someone before that someone has a chance to say ...ANYTHING... to the troll, as trolls are known to attack anyone unprovoked. Regardless of the details of how the troll and their victim(s) begin the conversation, in using this particular troll-tactic, a troll never backs up their comments or accusations with facts, only unfounded criticisms, and often outright lies; which is at the heart of an ad hominem personal attack.

by MorpheusOne June 1, 2009

25👍 2👎


This is a type of picture taken by cam-whores, most commonly 12 - 26 year old overweight females, and posted on their internet profiles, and very popular on such sites as myspace, flixter, matchdoctor, and adultmatchdoctor.

The angle of the camera/camera-phone when taking the picture is normally some where between 8 to 24 inches above the head, at an approximate 45 degree angle above the forehead. This is most common amongst overweight ppl who have a gizzard/double chin or even those that have a fear that they have one bc, with the camera/camera-phone at such an angle above the head the picture that is taken, at that angle, hides the gizzard under the chin, or it would if they actually had one, and often provides an interesting view of the chest of a female that does this...

The angle of view that is provided in such a picture is often very narrow, which itself often provides a very deceiving implication that this cam-whore is skinny, slim, or at the very least skinnier than they really are, when they may very well be so huge that they have their own zip code! Females more so than males have issues with their weight and that is why up-down-shots are more popular with females. Once any person, obviously females more so than males, truly matures and becomes an adult, more often than not a moment in their late 20s or early 30s, the likelihood of them using an up-down-shot in a profile picture greatly diminishes.

I'd like to see one of those fat-fucking walruses take an up-down-picture with a camera that has a wide-angle lens!!

(The guy meets the girl at the mall for the first time.)

You, uhh, ...looked a lot skinnier ..in your, ...uhhh, ...profile picture...

(Thinks to himself...) *Perhaps you shouldn't have put up that ignorant up-down-shot as your main pic, you fucking deceptive cunt!!*

by MorpheusOne January 28, 2010

7👍 6👎