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tig ol' bitties

Edited lyrics from the Lil John single, "Get Low."

Made into a cultural phenomena in 2003, the (Lil John and the Eastside Boyz} single scaled the charts onto the #2 US Billboard Hot 100 Singles spot.

Their hit song, Get Low paved way for young Christians nationwide to undergo verbal assualt such as "Crunk Juice" and "bend over to the front touch your toes."

The song was notably edited on radio and telecast airwaves. The dirty version is available at many retailers but Wal-Mart.

The following excerpt refers to the latter:

"Lil Jon and the East side boys wit me and we all like to see Ass and tities"


"Lil Jon and the East side boys wit me and we all like to see tig ol' bitties"

by Mortimer Smith December 1, 2006

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