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Billy bullshit

Bully bullshit a rather quaint phrase which in short is bullshit - lies, fabrication, crap, shit stirring you name it - billy bullshit. It was what bullshit detectors where made for. It's a bit like fucking someone around cause you think you can. In reality a person just shit stirring. Causes a problem with a hint or rather a large dose of bullshit.

Example: I spy with my little nose a whiff of Billy Bullshit.

by Moscow Woman July 1, 2020

Bad day at the office

Not necessarily how its seems. I personally use it as a description of not a good result, day, outcome whatever.

"Bad day at the office?" reply " yeah something like that"

Or " How are you?" Response "... bad day at the office"

by Moscow Woman July 1, 2020

Prick teasing

When some cunt purposefully goes and teases a person into something. Then the teaser jumps on the the other person like it was all their fault. Bastards.

Prick teasing -That cunts a prick teaser he keeps suggesting somethongbtonleadvme on.

by Moscow Woman August 6, 2020

W T F!?

Hmm. Let's see - it's a definition that that springs to mind when something doesn't seem quite right.

It's short and to the point and says it all.

I wont spell it out cause I want to get printed, however, I'm sure we've all used this well worn saying in shock and surprise.

W T F !? - I thought I had friends I could trust .

W T F!? Alls not quite what it seems in here in fairy tale land today!

by Moscow Woman July 1, 2020


A place where drugs aren't necessary as the people are from some other world and you wonder how it still exists in it's own right. You realese early on that there is no sense of feeling there and you are the odd one out.
All exits soon come to mind as you realise Freakvile isn't just some imaginary horror story your parents told you about as a child to scare you to sleep but a real actual place only they didn't realise it but you now do.
So all exits are your primary concern as you know that one day you will exit Freakville and your senses although disturbed from the experience will regain normality without the aid of mind corrective therapy.
There are Freakvilles in other parts but "once bitten twice shy".
Once seen never forgotten.


A place that's soooooo obtuse you need a PhD in insanity.

Hey dont talk to that guy he's from Freakville.

A place to be avoided as if your life depended on it as in some places it actually does.

by Moscow Woman June 19, 2020


Faggot: a traditional meat dish but also a label for those who talk about nothing anywhere close to finding a female and distract others whilst doing this.

Best to avoid the faggot as they will try and try to side track you into their way of thinking.

How to confuse a faggot - dont bother you'll only waste your time. Fuck them off at the earliest point.

Get down to the chat with the opposite sex or whatever your interested in and if she's on her toes she'll sidetrack the maggots too.

Good luck.


Faggot; Hes always trying to distract me with shite that's not even closely related to the normal topic of conversations.

by Moscow Woman July 22, 2020