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Fourth World Country

A real world dystopia with a corrupt / extremist authoritarian government, that uses media gaslighting as a disguise.

The U.K. became a fourth world country when it began to strip away human rights en mass (see austerity, eugenics, and imperialism), remorselessly murdering its citizens (see grenfell tower, the war on drugs, “herd immunity”) and proposed trade agreements that severely violate international law (see Brexit).

The U.S. is a fourth world country because children’s ‘back to school’ shopping lists include bullet proof vests (see Sandy hook, school shootings), citizens are regularly murdered by militarised police (see Stonewall, Black Wall Street, BLM, the war on drugs, indigenous peoples).

North Korea is a fourth world country, due to its long term relationship with a dystopian dictatorship. (See North Korea)

(This is not a complete list) More examples include:

- Venezuela (See Venezuela economic crisis)
-Israel (See Palestine)

-China (See “re-education camps”, concentration camps, Uighurs, the drug death penalty, “pod” homes, Winnie the Pooh)
-Saudi Arabia (See civil rights, women’s rights, Jamal Kashoggi, Oil wars)

-Hungary (See Hungarian democracy)

-Brazil (See amazon burning, Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian prisons)
-Philippines (See Rodrigo Duterte war on drugs)

“I haven’t felt safe since we became a fourth world country.”

“The government does not serve the people.”

by MotherofMangos November 15, 2020

PAE me

People are exhausting me, so unless you’re paying my bills, take your crap elsewhere.

The equivalent of “Okay Boomer” for dealing with cyber bullies.

Keyboard warrior: “Billie Eilish looks like a wine mom.”

Billie Eilish: “PAE me bitch.”

by MotherofMangos January 16, 2021

Drier than a lesbian in a male strip club

An unwanted situation:

When there isn’t a single dealer open in a 15 mile radius and you just smoked your last doob.


A getaway line when you really don’t want to return someone’s advances.

In case of doobie drought:

Samantha: “I want to cry.”
Tenzin: “Why, whats wrong?”
Samantha: “Just finished my last nug, it’s going to be a long week. This town is drier than a lesbian in a male strip club.”

In case of Nice Guys and Pick me Girls:

Hanna, to friends: “Tonight’s been so fun, it’s been great to see you guys”
Random Bobilly: “Hey beautiful, let me buy you a drink, I’ll make your night amazing.”

Hanna: “Aha, no..... The thought actually makes me drier than a lesbian in a male strip club. Bye.”

by MotherofMangos January 16, 2021


Plural of Panalacle: Emotionally Charged Pancake

Pancakes that are ate or made with intense emotion. Good news pancakes. Bad news pancakes. Love pancakes. Hate pancakes.

If you convey an intense emotion while eating or making pancakes, you have created a panalacle.

“I’ll take him for a walk and tell him before panalacles.”

by MotherofMangos February 16, 2021

Social Distancing

Staying a minimum of 6ft away for safety purposes.

“Get 6ft away or 6ft under”

“If you’re close enough to read this, you’re close enough to taste my sneezes”

“Please maintain a minimum of 2m distance for your safety.”

“I only bite when people invade my personal space.”

“If you can smell my farts, you’re social distancing wrong”

by MotherofMangos November 15, 2020


A performative non-apology dressed as an apology

Example 1:

Boris Johnson: “I’m sorry for the lives lost due to covid.”

The British public: “Well that was a capology if I ever heard one. He won’t apologise for his actions, just the deaths caused by them.”

Example 2:

A YouTuber: “I’m so sorry for the thing that I did, I realise that it was wrong and I have learned my lesson.”

The same youtuber, a month later: “I’m so sorry for the thing that I did, I realise that it was wrong and I have learned my lesson.”

Their viewers: “These capologies are making be embarrassed to have been a fan of that youtuber.”

by MotherofMangos January 31, 2021