The true definition of the word refers to the popular disc-shaped toy that can be thrown around by machoegotists on the beach. However, it can also refer to any old videogame on CD that you no longer want and is so old, it's impossible to sell. Even on Ebay.
"God damn, I've sure got a lot of frisbees here. You want some?"
16π 33π
Not to be confused with slightly, a slighty is a semi-transparent night dress worn by women. Tragically, older women.
"Woa dude! I was watching your TV and your mom came down wearing this white slighty! I was so emabarrassed!"
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An obnoxious teenager who pretends to be blind-drunk after unwittingly drinking a plain Red Bull, expecting vodka or Jack Daniels to be mixed inside.
"Leah is such a featherweight, it's embarrassing!"
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Same thing as a rake - a thin person who eats like a horse without putting on any weight whatsoever. In short, a lucky bastard.
Could also mean a type of shaggy haircut that's popular with students and road protesters.
1. "Eat this burger, you fucking mop!"
2. "I would climb down this tree but my mop is caught in the branches."
15π 18π
Usually occuring in older members of society, "Tombstone teeth" is a derogatory term used to describe a mouth consisting mainly of tongue and gums. Maybe, one or two teeth will stand out but no more than that. The ones on the bottom jaw seem more resistent to base-jumping out of the mouth, for some reason. Scientists are looking into this as I speak.
"That old Mrs Webster has some serious tombstone teeth. They're all yellow..."
14π 9π
1. A classic cocktail made from vodka, tomato juice, salt, pepper, a celery stick and other spices. I'm told that I make the best in London which is annoying because I don't like them. Waste of vodka if you ask me.
2. The name we give to my insane grandmother. She doesn't mind...
1. "A bit too spicy, Mr Ben. I admit, I'm a pussy but I need some ice please."
2. "Would you like a cup of tea, Bloody Mary?"
"Am I free? Of course I am, dear..."
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A small but iritating (and extremely painful) cut halfway along one's penis.
"I can't tonight, love. I've got a mid-shaft gash."
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