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Noun - an offensive word used to decribe someone who is so utterly obnoxious no other word or phrase can accurately paint a mental picture of this person's personality...or lack of it.

A prime example of a cunt is my depressingly poisonous ex-wife:

Her personality is not disimilar to a combination of Bernard Manning, Roy Chubby Brown and Adolf Hitler after consuming copious amounts of acid and alcohol on a week-long bender. She is thick as pig shit, thinks she knows everything yet knows absolutely nothing, loud and oppressive both at home and in public, totally socially inept, bores the fuck out of everyone with her bigoted opininons, pisses off everyone she comes into contact with, loses any friend she makes or any job she gets, acts like a spoilt little brat, whinges about everything, is never happy, completely financially irresponsible, totally useless in every aspect of adult life, has a tantrum if she doesn't get her way, she's mentally unstable, gets horendously pissed and drives round to my house at 2am to scream the neigbourhood down, break into my house and beat me up, gets taken home by police TWICE (the first time accompanied by her large dog), throws knives and full pint glasses at me, smashes up the house, has no sense of self respect, a rude and obnoxious gobshite......i could go on and on indefinitely but rather than waste any more of my life on such a negative and malignant life sucking arsehole i simply refer to her...no..IT..with one simple word - Cunt. The only person in human existance ever to be worthy of such a nasty word.

And i married her.......(see "silly cunt")

Example of the usual phone conversation:

Liz: "whinge whinge moan moan, i 'ate you, i'm gonna ruin your life, blah blah blah, av got nuffin!, av got no'won! it's m'yome!...*more depressing whinging and moaning*" (goes on for hours)....

Me: "Fuck off Liz, you're a cunt" (phone slammed down)

(Repeat at least 3 times in an evening)

by Mr Nevergettingmarriedagain February 10, 2007

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