The Ulster Scots Language, Ullans, or tha hamely tongue is found predominately in the northern province of Ireland in Ulster where resides the country, Northern Ireland. Much of what people speak on the island and the grammatical way which they speak is from Ulster Scots even though not all are even aware of this.
Settlers and Immigrants to Ireland from Scotland brought their Scottish language with them, and over the years this evolved with Irish Gaelic, and English to form the Ulster Scots language we know and love today. Ulster Scots is perhaps the most persecuted and at risk language in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland due to the fact the English and Irish based school systems attempted to teach it out of generations of school children due to the narrow minded belief that it was simply bad English.
There is a significant amount of literature, music and poetry with Ulster Scots influence, with recent groups such as the 'Low Country Boys' making Ulster Scots come alive to a new generation, and educating people on it.
Example of Ulster Scots; It'd tak ye a brave wheen a bodies tae haul thon yoke oot a tha sheugh an still, ye'll haitae heed tha dyke or ye'll be sairely gunked.
-It will take a lot of people to pull that machine out of the ditch and even still, you will need to watch out for the embankment or you will be disappointed by the outcome.
Wud ye hae a titter a wit an learn a bit o gumption, or else haul yer wheest an tha Ullans!
-Would you wise up and learn some common sense, or alternatively just shut up about Ulster Scots!