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Someone who feigns illness to get out of working choosing to live off benefit payments instead.

Me:- My brother in law hasn't worked for 8 years, he gets disability benefit because he has a bad back and depression and sometimes uses a mobility scooter but I have seen him carrying heavy bags and walking on ice.

Friend:- Your brother in law is a right nerp

Me:- My sister also hasn't worked for 8 years, she was sacked from her last job for stealing from the till but now she gets benefits as my brother in laws carer.

Friend:- Your sister is also a nerp.

Me:- They have been given a council house in a street the postman calls Giro Town and refere to themselves as doleys.

Friend:- They live in a street full of nerps and you should have nothing more to do with them.

Me:- I don't.

by Mr and Mrs Camel April 7, 2010

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