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mr. 1000

Wow, that was an amazing outburst. My views on mentally and emotionally pubescent girls have been permanently altered. Really, you don't like what I write, so you try to bash me. Ingenious. After all, free speech is just an illusion, and girls should be able to smell, look, and act like sluts and not be treated as such (I don't give people shit who don't give me shit, but I treat people like they can expect to be treated). Here's an idea, little girl. Why don't you go back to shopping for frilly things and pretending your life is full and enjoyable, and leave the thinking and talking to me. Bitching will not get your mind and soul back.

Mr. 1000 sez think before you write and think before you talk. Otherwise, you will be exposed for the cretin you are.

You don't know what I can do with my prick. If I ever got mentally castrated and became a pedophile, which is the only way I would go near a whore like you without a hazard suit, I would fucking rip through your little pussy. Forget that little orgasm, I'd give you a mother fucking PAINGASM-and that means no more G-spot. You would have to say good bye to the little diversion you get from putting out, meaning you would get only the pain from giving up a parcel of your existence. When I'd be done with you, you would have to close up that sperm bank you call a vagina and actually contribute with society.

by Mr. 1000 December 15, 2006

11👍 26👎


The half of the human race which has the burden and weakness imposed with reproduction. They are physically, psychologically, and emotionally weaker than their male counterparts. This is due to a shorter developmental period, a smaller body, a smaller brain with fewer cells, and the physical and mental dead weight imposed with reproductive organs. Women also have an underdeveloped sense of logic and judgment, which results in a tendency to lie (poorly).

Modern feminists like to call themselves right-brained and creative to help their gender insecurities and attempt to feel superior to men. They do not let petty facts discourage them, and claim that the reason there are few great female scientists and no great female artists is because of society. They pretend the religions and cultures of the world are inane, and claim the source of all their gender issues are males. Despite what they try to believe, reason it is a man's world is because men built the world.

Modern feminists also believe their bodies can be as strong if not stronger as a man's. They ignore the fact that sports require gender segregation to allow women to compete. Otherwise, little Suzy might be beaten in basketball by the taller, stronger men...and that wouldn't be good for her little girl self esteem, would it?

Girls try to compensate for their physical and mental deficiencies by creating "bitched out" versions of what men do. They try act hardcore and tough by sipping daddy's beer, blowing daddy's smokes, and on the days when they are feeling extra brave, swallowing daddy's Tylenol. Because they act against their nature, their pointless actions are parodies of male rebellion. Despite their acts of independence, they still have their swollen chest, frail body, and wide hips. Ironically, if it weren't for the sexual aesthetics modern feminism attacks, women would be ugly.

Women enjoy sex less than men because they have to be "in the mood" to "do it" and even then they often feel weak and helpless. They tend to enjoy sex less because, evolution wise, childbirth makes a man a father (if he desires) but is a weakening if not deadly experience for women. During and after a pregnancy they suffer psychological and physical trauma, and tend to become depressed from the hormonal imbalance. Despite this, they endure intercourse as a way to gold dig, to find a potential husband, and to feel a vacant sense of worth.

1. Women are dreamers and fantasizers, while men are doers and philosophers.

2. A woman likes to lie and pretend. They act like looking weak and stupid is "cute," although the real reason guys like it is because it makes them look easy. They will also strip to pay for a (little girl fad here) dress to "cleanse their mind and spirit."

3. Guy 1: So you broke up with her?
Guy 2: Yeah, that chick is crazy. She tried to use magic to punish me for "using" her.
Guy 1: Man, chicks are funny when they're pissed.
Guy 2: I know. She actually thinks I'll go bald.

by Mr. 1000 September 5, 2006

392👍 861👎


The half of the human race which has the dead weight and weakness imposed with reproduction. They are physically, psychologically, and emotionally weaker than their male counterparts. This is due to a shorter developmental period, a smaller body, a smaller brain with fewer cells, and the physical and mental dead weight imposed with reproductive organs. Women also have an underdeveloped sense of logic and judgment, which results in a tendency to lie (poorly).
Modern feminists like to call themselves right-brained and creative to help their gender insecurities and attempt to feel superior to men. They do not let petty facts discourage them, and claim that the reason there are few great female scientists and no great female artists is because of society. They pretend that evolution, religion, and culture are inane, and believe the source of all their gender issues are males. They try to ignore that the reason it is a man's world is because men built the world.
Modern feminists also believe their bodies can be as strong if not stronger as a man's. They ignore the fact that sports require gender segregation to allow women to compete. Otherwise, little Suzy might be beaten in basketball by the taller, stronger men...and that wouldn't be good for her little girl self esteem, would it?
Girls try to compensate for their physical and mental deficiencies by creating "bitched out" versions of what men do. They try act hardcore and tough by sipping daddy's beer, blowing daddy's smokes, and on the days when they are feeling extra brave, swallowing daddy's Tylenol. Because of their gender, their pointless actions are parodies of male rebellion. Despite their acts of independence, they still have their swollen chest, useless muscles, and wide hips. Ironically, if it weren't for the sexual aesthetics modern feminism attacks, women would be ugly.
Women enjoy sex less than men because they have to be "in the mood" to "do it" and even then they often feel weak and helpless. They tend to enjoy sex less because, evolution wise, childbirth makes a man a father (if he desires) but is a weakening if not deadly experience for women. During and after a pregnancy they suffer psychological and physical trauma, and tend to become depressed from the hormonal imbalance. Despite this, they endure intercourse as a way to gold dig, to find a potential husband, and to feel a vacant sense of worth.

1. Women are dreamers and fantasizers, while men are doers and philosophers.
2. A woman likes to lie and pretend. They act like looking weak and stupid is "cute," although the real reason guys like it is because it makes them look easy. They will also strip to pay for a (little girl fad here) dress to "cleanse their mind and spirit."
3. Guy 1: So you broke up with her?
Guy 2: Yeah, that chick is crazy. She tried to use voodoo magic to punish me for "using" her.
Guy 1: Man, chicks are funny when they're pissed.
Guy 2: She actually thinks that I'll go bald.
4. A little girl is offended by my definition because it is different from what she wants to believe, and therefore gives it a thumbs down. And she is so offended by it, she expresses her righeous fury by bravely giving it a thumbs-down every day. How can they say females are cowardly?

by Mr. 1000 September 4, 2006

210👍 661👎


Feminism can be divided into two categories:
1. Human rights feminism. This is feminism which advocates for equal rights and opportunities to be available to women in the law and government. This is based upon the basic right that no one deserves to be unfairly treated by the courts or lose their personal rights. It defends the rights to property, voting, and civil liberties. This type of feminism occurred in America in the 1900s and was one of the more mainstream feminism ideologies in the 60s 70s but has since given way to more modern forms of feminism in America, although it is beginning to occur in many theocracies.
2. Modern feminism. This is the radically politically correct form of feminism. It encourages the idea that both the male and female gender are either equal (or can be equal) in every possible way or the female gender is inherently superior. Many modern feminists argue that women are more intelligent than men, ignoring factual and scientific evidence. They ignore the fact that the female brain is considerably smaller than the male’s in both volume, weight, and brain cell content. They also “overlook” the fact that there have been no great female artists and few great female scientists. They use a “one or two” approach in PC rallies, using the few great female scientists such as Elizabeth Blackwell and small time artists as poster girls for their cause of female superiority. They ignore the larger ratio of male scientists and artists and brand their opponents as sexists (the politicians with the fundamentalists).
Modern feminism also encourages the idea that loose women should be as respectable and admirable as womanizers. They attempt to back this idea and stifle their insecurities by claiming the female orgasm is superior to the male’s. Despite these claims, scientific and societal evidence has proved otherwise, as women do not orgasm as often as males nor is their orgasm as fulfilling as the male’s, as proven by polls and pop culture and that women have traditionally been the providers of the pleasure in intercourse and men the receivers (as proven by 5000 years of culture and 500 million years of evolution). It is overall degrading to women because its PC approach advocates a positive handicap for women in careers and society, and that women should act unnaturally and attempt to completely ignore their instincts. While human rights feminism is based upon factual evidence, modern feminism is based upon bigotry and “literature.”

1. Human rights feminism: women advocating for the right to drive in Saudi Arabia; Women demanding the right to vote in 19th- early 20th century America.
2. Modern feminism: 3rd wave feminists claiming that stripping is empowering for women; Feminists trying to reverse gender roles in marriage; Feminists claiming that the average female is more intelligent than the average male.

by Mr. 1000 June 18, 2006

1061👍 1893👎