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A liberal is a person who believes that every adult should be allowed the *liberty* (hence the name "liberal") to think and act as he or she wishes, except constrained for the sake of equal rights, equal opportunity, public health, and public safety as determined by due processes.

Before ~1870, liberals were suspicious towards *any* institution, e.g. the federal government, that had power to rob individuals of their liberty. After ~1870, liberalism was transformed by the rise of corporations and began to see government bodies as necessary counterbalances against corporate tyranny. However, liberals do not love big government.

Liberals do sympathize with and often support people who seem to lack equal rights or opportunity, including labor workers, women, immigrants, etc. Liberals usually support causes associated with individual liberty, e.g LGBTQ rights, same-sex marriages, and legalization of marijuana.

Liberals do not blindly support "tax and spend" policies or debt, but do consider implementing them when appropriate, and question if any measure is affordable or not. All liberals I know believe in law and order. Communism and socialism are tyrannical and therefore antithesis of liberalism.

I believe that conservatism should always be actively influential at all government levels. I am grateful for people who start businesses. foster its growth, and enjoy its rewards.

Matters like religious belief and environmentalism are independent of liberalism.

by Mr. Earthenware January 12, 2017

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