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Nuts is an expression used when something is so crazy and bonkers that there are no more words to describe it.

Guy 1: My grandma died.
Guy 2: That's Nuts.

by Mr. Grumpus November 23, 2021


A burger that is so large that it is hidden from the public and is 1 of the 17 secret menu items at McDonald's, and you can only get it if you call a McDonald's at 3 am.

"yo, can i get a uhh a McBig please?"

by Mr. Grumpus May 25, 2021

Oh Good Heavens

It is a saying one shounts after being greatly startled or shocked.

*Son gets shot infront of dad* Dad: "Oh Good Heavens!"

*Dad watches his kids get turned into red mist while playing by the road by a giant truck going 200.* Dad: "Oh Good Heavens!"

by Mr. Grumpus April 5, 2022