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Jalebi is a spiral-shaped sweet snack in South and West Asia, Africa, and Mauritius. But when someone says, do not make "Jalebi," it means do not make things complicated and messy. Some people make their answers spiral like a texture of Jalebi (complicated) to escape from a simple straightforward answer.

Sahil: Is sex slavery allowed in your religion?

Respondent: Ummmmm, actually, it is an ancient practice. The slave trade, including the trade of sex slaves, fluctuated in certain regions in the Middle East up until the 20th century. These slaves came largely from Sub-Saharan Africa (mainly Zanj) and the Caucasus (mainly Circassians). The Barbary pirates also captured 1.25 million slaves from Western Europe between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Victims of the Arab slave trade and/or prisoners of war captured in battle from non-Arab lands often ended up as concubine slaves in the Arab World. Most of these slaves came from places such as Sub-Saharan Africa (mainly Zanj), the Caucasus (mainly Circassians), and Central Asia (mainly Tartars). And,...
Sahil: Yaaar...Don't make Jalebi. Answer my freaking question. It should be a Yes or No.

by Mr. Hidden Alias May 16, 2023