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An optionment is an optional assignment.

Much to my dismay, my students think their assignments are optionments and tend not to complete them.

by Mr. Kotter March 3, 2021


noun - it is a form of amnesia that a worker gets when they are promoted to an administrator. The former worker suddenly forgets what it was like to be a worker and imposes tasks to his former workers that he would have objected to as a worker.

The superintendent, who was a former teacher, suffered from a severe case of adminesia when he imposed increased class sizes that he would have gone on strike against if he had still been a teacher.

by Mr. Kotter June 8, 2013


Seeing something vividly or extremely clearly during the covid 19 pandemic.

I had a covivid dream where I kept searching for a face mask but could never find one.

After spending so much time with my live- in boyfriend during this pandemic, I see things much more covividly now and I'm going to break up with him as soon as this is over.

by Mr. Kotter May 22, 2020