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a moderator or admin, or community on the internet who uses (permanent) bans as a first and only line of punishment, banmongers are THE kryptonite to community growth and evolution due to banning most of their users off rather than giving them chances to correct and improve their behavior, often leading to borderline or complete exhaustion of users left to ban

banmongers are most commonly found on nsfw discord servers, however many anarchist and totalitarian servers and communities like a good few steam discussions for instance can be just as guilty of banmongering

definition 1
person 1: man what a terrible time to be alive
person 2: ah I see that banmonger, *insert name here* gave you the hammer too

definition 2
person 1: ayo *person 2*, what's wrong?
person 2: I've thought about this for a bit and I think I'm gonna start shunning nsfw discord servers from now on
person 1: may I ask why that is?
person 2: I've noticed a pattern over time and turns out they tend to be banmonger communities

by Mr. Mage 750 June 24, 2023

the karen card

a "card" used almost exclusively by enforcement figures (typically a fandom wiki admin or a discord server moderator) as an excuse to not bring a superior into a situation and to dodge potential punishments, people who use this card usually don't know the exact definition of a karen, nor what qualifies someone to be a karen

moderator: !ban @user being a karen
other user: you're fr gonna play the karen card?! I'm gonna contact an admin regarding this!
admin: *clicks moderator's name* *removes role*

by Mr. Mage 750 August 21, 2020


the greatest meme of the 202nd decade (2010's) according to a poll towards the end of 2019, the meme is still going strong, for the most part, and will forever be superior to other fauna based memes around the time of it's first appearance (namely grumpy cat and especially nyan cat,) doge is a shiba inu from japan, named Kabosu, who turned world famous due to one picture taken with it having a distinctive facial expression at a camera angle that made it very appealing, originally, the meme had Kabosu's face photoshopped into many different scenarios with colorful text using a form of broken english, often using the term "wow", the meme eventually died but made a comeback in 2019, starting with distorted versions of the original picture of Kabosu to resemble other species as well as other things such as minecraft people, the meme got progressively funnier from there, people tried to replace the meme with another meme, called cheems, or cheemsburger, featuring another shiba inu named Balltze, though it was successful for a while the meme still died, as Kabosu got older, people attempted to replace the meme a second time, called doge 2, which the meme died even quicker than cheems, today, the current meta for doge memes is the buff doge vs crying cheems, which is essentially a knockoff of the virgin vs chad meme format, but it still works in some cases where virgin vs chad wouldn't.

person 1: hey, have you heard of that dog named Kabosu?
person 2: bruh who the fuck is kabosu
person 1: so you've never heard of doge?
person 2: oh that's doge's real name

by Mr. Mage 750 July 5, 2020


the discord equivalent of a redditor, they are toxic, introverted able bodied supremists at heart who curse like sailors and harass users who aren't like-minded, overusing ableist slurs such as "retard" and "sped" and will use them against anyone who's even a little different than them, generally, they embody the wikipedia definition of Oz from fanboy and chumchum (looked at as geniuses by their peers, but are really just nerdy know-it-alls who live in their parents' basements) because they'll never get girlfriends and will end up homeless because no employer would want to hire someone who disparages others for fun

TL/DR discordors are the discord equivilant of redditors and are users of the chat service in the most stereotypical form

discordor: KYS sped!!!
constructive user: no u
discordor: fuck off retard!!!!!!!

by Mr. Mage 750 April 9, 2021