Used as slang for making a u-turn.
Dude, flip a bitch at the next light.
I'm flippin' a bitch, hold on!
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Any form of bulletin board used to display humorous sayings. College students often use this as a means of recording daily stupidities.
That's going on the quote board!
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Someone who produces an immense amount of methane bursts in sucession.
"Fuzzy" is a fart factory! He needs to buy air freshener.
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Fictitious version of a jet injector as seen in most Star Trek incarnations. Needle-less injection system.
The doctor used a hypospray on me...I didn't feel a thing!
The act of suicide through overindulgence in burgers.
Stiv committed burgercide yesterday. We all knew it was coming.
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Committing suicide by deliberate overindulgence in greasy fast food.
Stiv comitted fatcide yesterday.
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