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Doing the devil's work

Dad " Hiya son! Whatcha Doing?"

Son " I'm doing Geometry! "

Dad " Why you little shit... this is a christian family! That's it! Your getting crucified!

by Mr. Peyote March 5, 2011

329👍 25👎

faggy shaggy

When a male receives an erection inside a shower full of men.

Wrestler 1 " Hey, I think someone's poking me!"

Wrestler 2 " I think it's just your imagination."

Wrestler 1 (turns around) "NO IT'S NOT! YOU HAVE A faggy shaggy!!!!"

Wrestler 2 " Look, I can explain this..."

Wrestler 3 " There's nothing to explain you got a faggy shaggy!"

Wrestler 2 (running out of shower, crying) "What gives you the right to judge me?!?"

by Mr. Peyote March 5, 2011

10👍 2👎

mozzling the toff

Masturbating to a Kevin Bacon movie

Person 1 "Is that the song Footloose I hear?"

Person 2 " Get out of my room! Don't you knock?"

Person 1 " Oh my god! You were mozzling the toff weren't you?"

Person 2 " What I do on Wednesday afternoons is my business."

by Mr. Peyote March 5, 2011

6👍 1👎

Savage Ghost

N. A gay 15-year old boy who gets lots of Faggy Shaggies. And who loves to open the yak.... ALOT!

Person 1: "Help! Help!"

Person 2: "What's going on in there?"

Person 1: " There's a Savage Ghost whos shimmershamming and opening the yak all over the place

by Mr. Peyote March 28, 2011

1👍 1👎

chink fighting

Any martial arts deriving from Asia

Asian 1 " Just leave me alone!"

Group of rednecks " Not until you open your eyes like a normal person!"

Asian 1 "Please I don't want any trouble"

Rednecks "Well you got some" (Redneck Punches)\

(Asian blocks, and round kicks him, knocking him out cold)

Redneck 1 "Shit! Crazy bitch knows chink fighting!"

Redneck 2 " I'm going back to the pickup truck!"

by Mr. Peyote March 5, 2011

9👍 7👎

plunge the sponge

V. to attempt to give yourself an abortion with no medical experience whatsoever

Redneck 1 "I ain't gonna payin' for no abortion! C'mon honey, lets plunge the sponge!"

Redneck 2 "your too fucking drunk to drive, let alone this shit!"

Redneck 1 (Chainsaw revs) "bend over bitch!"

by Mr. Peyote March 5, 2011

3👍 2👎