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Kickball, like "diaper" is one of those words that SHOULD become slightly embarrassing when paired with "adult". Something you'd rather not exhibit in public. Kickball is not a sport. It's barely a game. Kickball is what you force nine-year-olds to do for 45 minutes if you are a 4th grade gym teacher. Those who would never get picked or picked last for any other athletic sport ply kickball. The mass majority of people who play kickball are drunks and spend their evenings trying to re-live there younger days and end up getting wasted playing flip cup while cheating on their girlfriends or spouses. One who chooses to play Adult Kickball has not explored other options of activity or entertainment in that said area. Note all who participate in Adult kickball have never had any athletic skill hence they play a sport for 5 year olds so it gives them a false sense of athleticism, however they are a general loser period

Adult Kickball is a great way to show your lack of athleticism and maturity.

My 4th grade son loves football but plays kickball during PE because the teacher forces him.

by Mr. Succesful September 2, 2010

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