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The origins of "Walker" was a reference to a man who Treads, or Walks inconspicuously. A Swalker is a Stealth Person, that is within your mind long before they eventually Smooth walk their way into your life or out of it, without you ever having a full grip on them or who and what they were. A Swalker is cunning but humble and content, they do not always press to bend the rules in their favor, merely they understand their situations immediately and respond highly efficiently to recover without delay or stress. A very smooth intelligent person, who may be rebellious, is to be expected when you meet a Swalker.

"He's a good man but he's Swalking me, I know it."
"I'd say they're going to try to prosecute him, but he'll pull a Swalker on them and the world will forget all about it over night."
"James Bond is a Swalker, you dont notice him unless he wants you too, and only HOW he wants you too."
"Only The smoothest guy, smoothest talker, walker, etc. can Swalker his way through anything and anybody he is surrounded by."
"A Swalker is a Legend, an icon, and an inspiration that leads us and guides us into bigger perspectives of social awareness."

by Mr. Vendeshtta October 16, 2020


Ceasar; Noun, the name of the man who would seek to unwind the velvet veil of tyrannical deception that looms in the darkest caverns of our entire belief systems. A Ceasar would be, the man who would set us free, from our docile state of daily existence that would continue to drain us of our souls, our dreams, our energy, and our truest freedoms beyond oppression and systematic programming engineered for a depressive enslavement cycle. A Ceasar will always be, the, Black Sheep.

"Only a Ceasar, could stop the overwhelming tyranny." Ceasar's are commanders and conquerors, the title Ceasar, is their crown. "Mr.BlackSheep is the new Ceasar."

by Mr. Vendeshtta October 15, 2020