A portmanteau of "smart" and "hard", it is a term used to describe how to work on your pile of homework or something related to work, with better ways to do so, such as on your personal computer! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to work on my homework, and so should you!
Old Man Ulysses: They say "work smarter, not harder", but I say "work smarder"!
Chad: Well said, dawg.
Charlie: Yeah, what he said! :D
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Oh, he's just an elder man who sometimes pops up in my definitions. For example, he appeared in my definition for smard. Mr. Wordington out!
Old Man Ulysses: You whippersnappers ought to remember that you must stay away from burn book styled definitions and sexual phrases, y'hear!
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1. The code word for programming that is used by elite (usually independent) game developers.
2. See Minecraft.
3. One of the cute words Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh mumble in their sleep.
1. Alright, got my Starbucks, and now I'll do some graphic design...and some covfefe.
2. No, Inspector Gadget and Matei! It's not Mineycrafta, Minecraft, or Minecrap! It's Covfefe!
3. Donald: Zzzzzzz-ah...covfefe..zzzzzzzzz...
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A drunken male sex offender who targets himself exclusively towards females.
My God, if I see that kavanaugh on my porch again, I swear to God I will beat the shit out of him for abusing my daughters!
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Oh, only the best game ever! You step into the shoes of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky girl who lives in The Far, Far Range, round up kawaii slimes, place them in corrals, feed them their favorite foods, collect their plorts, and the best part about it is that you can sell them, make largos, or make awesome gadgets! It's also a game about exploration, so you'll discover new locations and new types of slimes as you travel the range! You can also make trades with fellow ranchers, such as Odgen Ortiz, Victor Humphries, and Mochi Miles! Go buy yourself a copy of Slime Rancher if you haven't played it before! You're gonna love playing Slime Rancher as much as I do! X3
Phil: Wow, I love playing Slime Rancher! I made a Honey Hunter largo recently!
Chad: Yeah, Chad loves Slime Rancher, too, man. Digging the Ancient Ruins.
Wordington-Chan: Ooh, me too! I love the Tabby Slimes, the Glass Desert, and BOb the rancher. I wanna be a Slime Rancher when I grow up~! <3
Phil: Three's a crowd, then! Ha, ha!
Johnny: Talkin' 'bout Slime Rancher, eh? I recently collected all the Gold Plorts from the vaults.
Everyone else: Cool! :D
Johnny: I also love Monomi Park. Wish they could make more games, though...
Phil: Don't we all? ;3
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1. The notorious anthropomorphic green bean who roams the internet, wanting to prank users into looking at pictures at him.
2. To prank someone by blaring a bass-boosted version of a hip hop song, specifically "U Guessed It" by OG Maco.
3. Another word for green beans, used by sophisticated individuals, or cool kids.
1. You: *Notices vague title* Hm, seems obvious. *Clicks, gets shocked* Oh no! Green de la Bean strikes again!
Green de la Bean: You just got beaned, u friccin moron!
2. Johnny: *Whispers* Okay, here comes Charlie.
Charlie: *Walks by* Hey, Johnny!
Johnny: *Turns up radio*
Charlie: *Runs away screaming*
Johnny: I just green de la beaned him! Funny guy! X3
3. Me, an intellect: Yes, I would like some steak with green de la beans, sir.
Waiter: Coming right up.
1. A British term for cigars. That term is rarely used in the USA.
2. A derogatory term for Harley Davidson bikers, and an unintentionally derogatory term for homosexuals.
3. A derogatory handle for Justin Bieber. Used by trolls like me! ^w^
4. Someone who is unnecessarily loud, obnoxious, and inconsiderate.
1. Gordon: 'Ello, chaps. Care to smoke some fags?
2. Random biker: You're a fag!
Random homosexual: No, YOU'RE a fag!
Random biker: >:(
3. Radio announcer: And that was "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber.
Random guy: Thank goodness Fag stopped singing for now. That song was cheesy!
4. What is that noise? A fag constantly screaming?