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CWAL (kw -ael)

Celebrate With A Line

Whether it's the weekend, your birthday, you just got laid/paid and you have some illicit drugs in your possession then it's time to CWAL. Originated on a sunny bank holiday in may, 3 days off & a load of ketamin, we decided to Celebrate With A Line or two...Messy

MrBoomTing - Yes selector its the fukking bank holiday 3 days off its time to get messy!!

Barry - CWAL?

MrBoomTing - CWAL!

by MrBoomTing July 28, 2011

6👍 9👎


1 - To piss and shit in your underwear after a getting paralytic on a night out on the piss

2 - To ejaculate

3 - To throw up

4 - To punch somebody

1 - Oh man i woke up this morning with a massive hangover i can't remember how i got home and i'd holfed in my boxers :(

2 - My gf stayed over last night, a few bottles of wine later and i holfed all over her tits

3 - I think i ate a dodgy kebab cos after i ate it i holfed about 20 times

4 - Geezer was getting all in my face last night so i holfed him and broke his nose

by MrBoomTing November 26, 2011

9👍 30👎