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To be very high, derived from the 125th street and Lexington avenue area of Harlem which is known for being full of homeless potheads.

Person 1: Yo bro you good?

Person2: Y e a h b r o.

Person 1: Oh nah, he must be Lexi’d out of his mind.

by MrKnowItAll62991672 December 25, 2022


Used to refer to a person and or situation in which a male speaks or more commonly texts in a feminine way.

Dude 1: Sorry I can’t come.

Dude 2: Aww man :( well okie dokie then.

Dude3: Why are you so GirlyPop.

by MrKnowItAll62991672 December 25, 2022

31👍 49👎

Free Lick

(1)A person who could be easily stolen from

(2) A person who could be easily defeated in competitive settings.

(1)”This guy always walks around with his pockets wide open and his wallet half out, he’s such a free lick!”

(2)”This guy wanted to 1v1 on Call Of Duty but I shit on him cause he’s a free lick

by MrKnowItAll62991672 September 20, 2023

1👍 1👎


A Football/Soccer term originating from Honduras translating to “go get it” in english, typically used when someone horribly misses a shot attempt, used more as shit talk than to actually tell the person to go get the ball.

Defender: *Defending*
Attacker: *Goes for the shot*
Attacker: *Horribly sends it wide*
Defender: “Busquelo bitch”
Attacker: “fuck off”

by MrKnowItAll62991672 December 18, 2024