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The occurrence in which human beings are able to turn off their brains. Usually occurs in guys during intercourse in which they shut off their brains to "fuck her right in the pussy."

Dude. What the heck are you doing? Wait did you seriously just make the mistake of not pulling out before you cummed. Now my pussy is flooding with you're cum. I'm going to be pregnant. What the hell man I wanted the taste of that cum so badly.

by MrVade October 9, 2015

2👍 1👎


The name of a man who has an enormous penis. Usually so large no girl can resist. At the sight of his penis most girls cum themselves to death do to dehydration.

Dude. Did you hear about what happened to that girl on the news? Apparently she saw Jake's penis and her pussy got so wet she died.

by MrVade October 9, 2015

13👍 7👎