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A website that promotes "white pride". Basically, a bunch of complainers who think that the world is against them and that they can't express this aforementioned "white pride" but that all other races can. In fact, if they took the time to talk to normal black/asian/hispanic people, they'd probably realize that these people don't mind them expressing ethnic pride, but instead these "white nationalists" choose to take the example of A SELECT FEW racist minorities in the media to validate the fact that the world is against them.

They also spend a great deal of time describing the "great jewish conspiracy" in which, supposedly, Jews have engineered all the major horrors of the 20th and 21st century. Ironically, the State of Israel (which, of course, they bash) had a huge amount being created of help from the United States (their "white homeland") and is a pro-Western country that the U.S. still supports.

Stormfront member: Ok, so listen, ummm the Russian Communist Revolution was headed by Jews and umm, well ummm the Germans realized that they were trying to defraud all Europeans and ummm the Holocaust is so exaggerated because other people died too...so umm they had it coming.

Normal human being: Get a life.

by Mr_Real November 26, 2009

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