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Infant Assault

1) The Assault of a small child between the ages of zero days old and one year(s) of age.

2) The act of punching a baby.

3) The destruction of a small child

Im so pissed I could commit Infant Assault.

Dane: That sound makes me want to punch an infant.

by Mrchace October 12, 2008

2👍 1👎

Senior Project

Acronym: SP

1) A project destined to unlimited procrastination by the senior class until far past the 11th hour of the final night causing most seniors to skip many days of school in an attempt to "get a start on" or "complete" the incomprehensible derogatory assignment and in tern either have a long string of sexual intercourse, or to seek the need for a sexcratary, or a long excursion to the beach or long days on xbox live or world of warcraft.

Senior 1: So dude, I stayed home to do my senior project today.

Senior 2: How much did you get done?

Senior 1: Well dude, I tried to start, then I had to pee... then I was hungry so I had a sex biscuit.

by Mrchace October 12, 2008

56👍 16👎

sex biscuit

1) the act of three men enjoying penile intercourse with one another on a stormy night in the Caribbean.

2) The act of committing sexual intercourse with a biscuit or other bread breatheren, usually involving large amounts of margarine.

I just want a big sex biscuit.

So I was watching porn last night, and I was hungry too but, I hadn't finished masturbating, so I buttered myself up a fat biscuit, fucked its shit, then ate the mother out of it.

by Mrchace October 12, 2008

16👍 36👎