What The Spock. Spock is the Vulcan second in command on the USS Enterprise on the popular television show Star Trek: The Original Series, back in the 1960s.
Sulu: What the Spock you stole my Plomeek soup!! DIEE!!!!
Chekov: WTS Sulu you're such a fagging ballerina, you couldn't hurt a fly. Take the damn Plomeek soup, I'll go get some savory Klingon jerky. Hab SoSlI' Quch! (Klingon for: Your mother has a smooth forehead! It is an extreme insult)
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Oh My Spock!
Spock is the Vulcan second in command on the USS Enterprise in the popular television show Star Trek: The Original Series, back in the 1960s.
Captain Kirk: Oh My Spock, that Orion Slave Girl is smokin'!
Bones: Agreed.
Scotty: Ay, OMS
Chekov: All thrusters full ahead!
Sulu: I like boys.
Spock: Silly Sulu, space is for real men! You are highly illogical.
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