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The only thing other than bovril which Josh lives for

Woah did you see that tranny Josh moved to

by Mrviofunny December 3, 2019

1👍 6👎


A meaty substance Josh Wiltshire loves to consume in the gallons.

Josh wilshire drinks bovril and on Tuesdays he uses frozen bovril as a suppositories.

What the frick is wrong with that boy, he seems to be glugging bovril By the pint! Oh josh Wiltshire is a very strange boy

by Mrviofunny December 2, 2019

3👍 2👎


chebbs (che-b-bs) or chebbage is a term used to describe female breasts that are particularly voluptuous, well shaped or busty.

yo check out dat gyall over dere she got big chebbs. i wish my girl had her chebbage

by Mrviofunny October 12, 2020