Source Code

silver dollar nipples

a pair possessed ONLY by Sturm Brightblade!

HotL Crew: Sturm then ordered...
...an MJ cologne-milkshake...
...it soothed his...
Sturms Mustache: Silver dollar nipples!

by Mulleted Hessian! October 31, 2003

16👍 72👎

Robot Jones

A horrific show on Cartoon Network. I thought all was well and it went to hell after Billy and Mandy got more votes,but they brought it back. The worst part is the animation (or lack thereof)

I thought Robot Jones was bad,but then CN put Hamtaro on..

by Mulleted Hessian! October 16, 2003

9👍 25👎

Prince of Butts

Bobby Trendy

Dude,I watched Anna Nicole last night,and that flamer Bobby Trendy was on it.
Yeah,he's gay!

by Mulleted Hessian! October 17, 2003

7👍 6👎

dancing mad

The longest song I've EVER heard. It's awesome though.

I was Dancing Mad from 6/9-9/11!
Wait,that's something different...

by Mulleted Hessian! October 17, 2003

33👍 13👎

We Drink Ritalin

The best flash video ever. Features Alex Chiu,Adolf Hitler,Hello Kitty,Black Mage,and more!!!

Mama was burning a hole in my aunt...please let me down to HOLD THE KETCHUP
Eeiiight tequilas to feel up my lice...SUUUBMARINE burning in hell!

by Mulleted Hessian! October 17, 2003

61👍 12👎