The defiant girl statue is a statue on Wall Street. She is defiant because she is staring down the Charging Bull. In a recent incident, some poop eater in a business suite was photographed while humping the defiant girl. The picture went viral.
The defiant girl statue actually misrepresents the meaning of the charging bull.
Art, along with culture, is a bunch of stuff that teachers make you learn about. It's either a bunch of really old timey painters. Or, it could be a bunch of new singers and dancers and stuff. Sometimes art people get naked and draw each other.
Sometimes, pictures of naked girls can be art.
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Religion is a bunch of people standing around talking about what they think God is like. Or, if they are not monotheists, they stand around and talk about what other stuff is like. They talk about multiple Gods, or magic, or stuff about why people are here.
Religion is a good way to find other people who want to stand around talking about God.
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Nuclear stuff has something to do with things that are really small. I mean stuff that's probably smaller than an atom. Also, people who work with nuclear stuff have to where safety gear.
Kim Jong Un is threatening the world with nuclear attacks.
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Idle fancies are the things that you do when you are doing nothing at all. Examples include smoking weed, eating junk food, and excessive masturbation.
The dog licked his balls to commence his day of idle fancies.
Kim Jong Un is the dictator of North Korea. Critics have given him the nickname get-slim Kim. This is a criticism of his need for international food assistance.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is busy bringing the sexy back into mass torture.
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Washington DC is a place where politicians like to go and build government buildings like the White House. They also like to make changes to the law in those big rooms with all the seats.
Its easy to get laid at protests in Washington DC.
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