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Darvocet (also known as Propoxyphene, which is related to codeine) is in a class of drugs called narcotic analgesics. It works by changing the way the body feels pain.

Hello, Doctor? I need to refill my prescription for Darvocet please!

by MustangGT September 25, 2005

860πŸ‘ 492πŸ‘Ž

nose hit

To inhale smoke off a substance (usually Marijuana) through the nose as opposed to the mouth.

After I took a fat freshie off the bowl I pulled in a quick nose hit.

by MustangGT October 7, 2005

886πŸ‘ 668πŸ‘Ž

pickle kisser

Slang term for a homosexual male.

Andy Dick is such a fucking pickle kisser it makes me sick!

by MustangGT September 26, 2005

833πŸ‘ 610πŸ‘Ž


Slang for a marijuana cigarette.

The band stepped out back for a mindbender before the show.
He took out all the stems and seeds to roll a nice mindbender.

by MustangGT September 25, 2005

723πŸ‘ 506πŸ‘Ž

dick flapping in the wind

slang term, i.e. Don't leave me hanging out to dry!
To idle blindly. No direction. Uncertainty.

Well call me and let me know what is up! Don't leave me with my dick flapping in the wind!

by MustangGT September 26, 2005

720πŸ‘ 518πŸ‘Ž

nigger box

Slang term for a tanning bed.

You've been to the tanning salon 4 times this week, woman, enough of the nigger box(ing) already!!

by MustangGT July 27, 2005

951πŸ‘ 563πŸ‘Ž


Rapid and continuous delivery. The heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target.

Lay down a barrage in the front of the advancing troops!

by MustangGT September 26, 2005

747πŸ‘ 549πŸ‘Ž