slang for people who are part of the Mormon church. Their church is actually called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Common misconceptions include:
-they cannot eat chocolate (false. wtf?)
-Mormons are not Christian
(VERY false)
-Mormons are polygamists/support polygamy (FALSE AF)
- they are required to have 12 children (lmao false)
-birth control is prohibited (false)
-they hate gay people (F A L S E)
-they believe gay people automatically go to hell (FALSE)
-Mormons worship Joseph Smith (FALSE)
-all Mormons live in Utah (false)
-Mormons hate the Bible (f.a.l.s.e. High schoolers literally take a year long class on it. Mormons believe the Bible.)
-Mormons cannot have caffeine (false. Mormons are against addictive substances, so some stay away from caffeine as a personal rule. Lots of Mormons love their Dr Pepper)
It's true Mormons don't believe in The Trinity--they believe God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost are three separate beings.
Also true: Mormons don't drink alcohol (aka kno how to have the time of their life without a substance) or coffee or tea, get tattoos, or zillions of piercings (basically, super into respect for their bodies)
Stereotypical Mormons are hot rich superfriendly blondes. Tragically, very small % of Mormons fulfill this stereotype (but not none ;)))
Mormons try their best to be good people
NOTE: the musical the Book of Mormon is 1 hilarious 2 shockingly disrespectful 3 not an accurate portrayal of Mormon faith/people
nonmormon: "MORMONS ARENT CHRISTIAN!!1!!!!1!"
Mormon 1: *exhausted sigh*
Mormon 2: "lmao. The words 'Jesus Christ' are in the title of our Church. Jesus Christ is the basis of everything we believe."
"You don't drink? What are you, Mormon?"
*friendly smile/shrug* "yeah I am lol"
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