Ethan boys is a fag
And looks hella gay he is a good wrestler and sometimes he most of time straight up eats poo and his best friend is named mehki and hes black they make the perfect couple.
Ethan Boyd means ugly kid Wow I was in the bathroom and I was taking a dump and I was trying to be nice so I gave some of my poo to Ethan to eat
Mehki is a big ass bitch and smells like his mother's cum and tries to act Japanese by watching hentai
Oh shit here he comes mehki clay the bitch
Twerpzie Peyton Taylor
Is the biggest bitch I know and he thinks hes good at fortnite and spends to much
He dated his wrestling partner and then she broke up with him cuz hes too childish he sounds like a rat and has buck teeth like sponge Bob also he spent 200 dollars on a dumb keyboard be cause he's ass on controller
Oh shit here he comes every one ready
Chase: I'm not very good on controller
Kam: I'm not very good on controller
Mehki: I'm not very good on controller
Twerpzie funny ugly kid