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A sexually promiscuous gardening tool.

"Yeah, I fucked that hoe, but I cut my dick on the edge."

by My pseudonym that appears onli December 5, 2015

542👍 99👎

platonic kiss

A sloppy tongue kiss that Plato used to give Aristotle.

Isocrates: "Yo, Plato be kissing Aristotle again and spit be coming out his mouth."
Artemius: "Yeah, he love those platonic kisses."

by My pseudonym that appears onli July 31, 2016

24👍 10👎


Testicles that are so big, they look like female breasts.

A guy looks like he has bowling balls in his shorts.

"Daaayum, dude got crotchboobs!"

by My pseudonym that appears onli July 31, 2016

21👍 83👎


A homosexual Hispanic man.

Juana: "Girl, check him out! I GOT to go talk to him!"
Francesca: "Don't bother; he's a homito."

by My pseudonym that appears onli July 31, 2016

4👍 29👎