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Shrinky mcwinky

A shrivelled yo winky that looks like a wet paper bag it is most common with Middle Aged women and is a serious disorder for the mentally retarded as they start carrying there young in their shrinky mcwinky this in turn suffocates the child lowering the Brain capacity of these fellow retards

Me:“Doctor I have the T word!”
Doctor:”no it cannot be......A SHRINKY MCWINKY!”
Me:yes and I carry my 24 year old son in it like a baby kangaroo”
Doctor: your dad hits you

by Mydadbeatsme68 November 27, 2018


A cold,hard dish of pasta, commonly paired with a rich, earthy sauce and red wine

"Somebody touch a ma spaghet

by Mydadbeatsme68 January 9, 2018

Gronkle tronkus

A particularly girthy penis that’s is 40x more wide than it is in length

“I got stuck in a door way because of my magnum gronkle tronkus darn that thing gets in the way”

by Mydadbeatsme68 November 27, 2018

2👍 1👎

Asda brand prostitute

I very frisky asda shelf stacker

That asda brand prostitute is well fit like

by Mydadbeatsme68 November 27, 2018