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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

A very popular talking therapy is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with a huge psychological fan base that claims to reduce anxiety and other related disorders by reconstructing negative thoughts and making them impossibly positive. A therapist normally takes the patient through a fast track procedure and expects them to be fully recovered after 4 weeks when in fact the poor bugger has actually got worse. Often done on the NHS with therapists pushed for time and the patients wanting to strangle them. Regularly sold on the internet for a fee because some bastards like to make money out of other people's misery. An over-rated therapy when really the patient has so many issues they ought to be seeing a shrink but the government has to be seen to be doing something to help the mentally deranged.

Jane went to see her therapist last week for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; I'm visiting her today in the loony bin

by MysticMog September 21, 2011

12👍 22👎

Waterloo Road

The biggest load of chavy shite currently on TV with headmasters/mistresses who bugger off from the school to attend to ONE pupil's needs, term dates that don't make sense, pupils in wrong classes and discipline that involves slapping, shouting and shagging. Normally someone dies and it's a real pity they don't all snuff it and put something decent on like X Factor! (joke)

Kerrie/Tracie/Wayne/Shane is watching Waterloo Road tonight; chavy thick bastards

by MysticMog September 21, 2011

11👍 54👎

Cheryl Cole

A name pronounced when wishing to refer to a slapper who has ridden her way to celebrity status, utterly devoid of any talent apart from a few crouching and dog like positions when dancing. Warbles off key to the extent that special technology is employed to make sounds that resemble vocal noises but don't really, so the radio gets abruptly turned off. This only applies to radio stations that are extremely desperate to play such crap in the first place. Normally a nauseously looking skinny chav without a care for the fact that teenagers may mimic her and die of starvation

Oooh, she's a right Cheryl Cole...she 'ad Tony last week cos he offered 'er a tenner and a chance to sing at karaoke

by MysticMog September 21, 2011

144👍 167👎