A microscopic state on the map , where the homegrown locals have zero social skills , horrible grammar ( that they pride themselves on ) , and the females all favor their fathers looks and bad habits , ( i.e.) gambling , spitting ,swearing , and hygiene . The females also have a horrible jealous streak , and will not befriend you if you are the slightest bit attractive . They will make it a personal mission to slander you , and create rumors on your behalf . Laziness is wide spread in Mass. , and that is why they are all such sports fanatics , it requires no energy to sit in front of the television.If you have never traveled to Massachusetts , I would suggest doing so . It will make you appreciate where you live , knowing that you do not call this place home. The best part of this third world like community , is that these people "love it here" , and will never move away from there inbred families , that still use the "N" word in local baaas. Ignorance is bliss , in Massachusetts..
Massachusetts is a lifeless place to live. Everyone drags their feet ,and slouches when they walk , and Massachusetts women don't douche either . Just watch the movie "The Fighter" , its a first hand look at what this place is really like.
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