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1.A Place (or shit hole u decide) located in the bottom right corner of pennsylvania where all guys think about sexxx and abuse girls&79% percent of guys have lost there virginity already.And 57% percent know where to get drugs&12% of residents do drugs(including students) 5% of people have lung problems due to refineries(not cause of drugs.) 9% of students have repeated a grade. 18% stay and ruin there lives in chi. 57%percent of girls are above the average in hotness

EX1:I have lung cancer cause of the refineries!Bull****!

EX2:There are to many nice girls in chichester its kinda hard to pick.

Ex3:37 upcoming freshmen will lose there virginitybthis summer.

by N8_Evans_245 July 2, 2009

36👍 42👎