A notorious online method of socializing known as Habbo Hotel, or simply Habbo. In this isometric, 2D program, users can buy things like virtual furniture, virtual cameras, and virtual pets, although there's a catch: You can only buy these items with real money.
In the actual Habbo world, there's a lot of corruption. People are fighting left and right, despite the noncombative nature of the program. The ineffective filter allows the most primitive alterations of swearwords to pass through. And there's a mob of unofficial sub-organizations trying to leech furniture off the Habbo populace in return for a high position in the organization, shockingly similar to real-life pyramid schemes.
But there's a lot of people Habbo has hooked into sustained usage nonetheless.
"Hi, how's it going?... Oh, don't tell me you've been doing Habbo?"
"Man, I put 20 bucks into a Mode sofa and some more film rolls."
"You really need to stop playing this, dude. I'm trying to help you here, listen to me!"
"Shut up! I hate you! I never wanna see your ugly mug again!"
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