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Someone who mocks annoyingly /mocks someone else annoying

“Brayden stop being a Nazzler to Chad”

by ND1299338 May 26, 2024


A canon (ex) ship from the Disney+ show High School Musical:The Musical:The Series between the characters Gina Porter and EJ Caswell

(Port from PORTer + -well from CasWELL)

“I love Portwell”

by ND1299338 May 26, 2024


A canon ship from the Disney+ show High School Musical:The Musical:The Series between the two characters Maddox(unknown last name) and Ashlyn Caswell
(Mad- in MADdox + -lyn in AshLYN)

“I ship Madlyn”

by ND1299338 May 26, 2024


1)To say someone is a certain race of color when not knowing their actual race.
2) Assuming someones race, not knowing what the persons actual race is.

“I misraced someone by assuming they were Chinese , when they were really Japanese ”

by ND1299338 April 9, 2023


A ship from the Disney+ show High School Musical:The Musical:The Series between the two characters Jet(unknown last name) and Kourtney Greene
(JET+ -ney in KourtNEY

“I ship Jetney”

by ND1299338 May 26, 2024


Someone who annoys someone else that it makes their “brain melt”

“Brenda is being a real brain-melter with her annoying voice she has.”

by ND1299338 May 26, 2024