Source Code


A person that is particularly DEXTEROUS at sending TEXT messages, preferably using only one, or at most two, thumbs. These people can send out messages at seemingly unbelievable speeds, amazing those around them with their deftness.

Chad was texterously churning out the messages - his thumbs were just a blur over his phone.

by NICk November 16, 2003

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


vag·in·a·tar·i·an (vag-in-tÒr-ian)
The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily of vagina or any other female body part for that matter. This term has often been used to refer to lesbians, however, men can meet the definition as well.

Jack has been licking his boss all week. If he doesn't start performing in the office he is going to be performing as a vaginatarian for the rest of his career.

by NICk November 28, 2005

49πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


when you take a dump and it touches the water in nthe toilet before you let it go

i did the biggest garoger just then

by NICk March 5, 2004

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


verb. to shove a gerbil up an unsuspecting fellows ass, typically done in a punitive manner for having sexually violated another man who was not homosexual.

They gerbiled Bert last night while he was sleeping soundly and then let a few gerbils loose in his apartment so that he would think it just crawled up there.

by NICk May 2, 2005

95πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

brat shades

The ability for some parents to turn a blind eye to totally unacceptable behaviour on the part of their own kids when you know full well that they wouldn't put up with it in other people's children.

Nick "Dear god. Lucie was acting like a right spoilt princess drama queen last night. I was horrified".
Liam "You knows it. Her mum really had her brat shades on".

by NICk September 13, 2005

25πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


it's how computers talk, stupid! if you tried to communicate in binary it would look something like the example shown below. here's something interesting. 0001 = 1 0010 = 2 0011 = 3 0100 = 4 0101 = 5 0110 = 6 0111 = 7 now tell me how to write the numbers 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 , 15, and 16. if you can do that, you can read binary. GRATS! here's the point of it. by using only ones and 0's you can represent any base 10 number (what we use as humans) oh by tbe way, read snow crash for an idea of why it's a good thing that people's brains cannot directly read binary.

1011011010101100110101001011101010101011 what binary code might look like

by NICk September 4, 2004

141πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


Slang term for a woman's vagina. Less vulger then terms such as 'pussy' or 'cunt'.

Derived from haligonian amateur porn stars stage name, 'Carolyn DeNoush'.

My noush is Itchy; I want to lick your noush!; I like getting fucked in the noush!;

by NICk January 10, 2005

30πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž